Spring of my Love Ginny Aiken

Spring of My Love by Ginny Aiken is the third book of the Silver Hills Trilogy.

In this book Angel Rogers is a woman who is in her early 20s.  Her mother had died some years before from an illness-I think cancer.  Her father just recently passed away.  So she has to take care of and run her ranch on her own.  Since her ranch has mostly sheep, the other ranches hate her because they own cattle.  (This did get me interested and looked it up and during the time of this story-which takes place in 1894-cattle ranches despised sheep ranchers mainly because sheep tended to eat all the grass including the roots.)  They also despised her because she was a woman and did not have any right to run a ranch.  (A reason why this took me a while to get through this book is it got me pissed off.  With the current president in office-Trump-many woman are screaming that their rights are being taken away.  Too bad there was not a time machine to send these woman back to the 1800s where they would be signing a different tune about their rights.  Maybe they would appreciate what they have now.  On a side note-ever since I started voting back in 1988 I never lost any of my rights.  Yes gender discrimination still exists in many parts of the United States and will continue.  However, when compared to 1894 it is not like it back then.)  A third reason why the ranchers do not like her is there is a drought going on.  Many of the ranchers cattle are not getting enough food where her land is fertile since she has a creek running through it.

One rancher, Jeremy Johnson is having the same struggles as the other ranchers.  However, unlike the others, he does not despise her and as the story continues he sees that her life is in danger and wants to protect her.  He eventually finds himself falling in love with and marrying her.

This apparently is the last book in the trilogy.  I will keep my eye on it  to see if another book comes about.  However, I see myself reading more of her books.


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