It by Stephen King

Okay the suspense is over.  The book that I am reading at work is It by Stephen King.  I read this some time before I got married and we are nearing our 26th anniversary.  Some books deserve a second read and this is one of them.  When I start reading the Doctor Who books, some of them will be read a second time.  I have to dig them out of the attic, but I have at least 50 of the Classic ones.

It's hard to tell where I am with this book, since I have it on the Kindle and the page numbers are not listed.  I am at the point where the six main characters start making their friendships with each other.

The one thing that struck me as being strange is when these friends went on their separate ways as adults, they-with the exception of Mike Hanlan-forgot their experiences with the terror that went dormant when they were kids and also forgot about their promise to each other to return to their childhood town if the terror returned.  How could anyone forget about the town they grew up in?

Then it made perfect sense.  When I was a kid, I was bullied a lot.  Then as a grew into a stronger and more confident person, I pushed these experiences into my subconscious.  I usually do not think about them and maybe somewhat forgotten about them.  However, I might see something or read something that gives my subconscious a jump start and I remember one experience or another.


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